Meet the fantastic Mr Fox

This 6 year old, pomeranian x came to us a few weeks ago. Fox is super cuddly and affectionate and it is hard to understand why he was never claimed by his owners. Fox had been given a thorough vet check when he was initially brought into care and it was found he has a Grade 3-4 luxating patella with oesteoarthritic changes. This was reconfirmed by our Beverly Hills Animal Hospital team and it is their recommendation that we must go ahead with this reconstructive surgery. If not, Fox will suffer severe arthritic pain in the near future. As Fox is an extremely active fellow we feel we must do this for him now before his condition deteriorates even further. It is hoped that he can have this procedure done by a Specialist surgeon in the next week or two so we are sending out a plea to you to help Fox make this possible. He is such a gorgeous fellow and needs all the help we can give him to start his new life.
Our SAS donation account details are as follows:
Sydney Animal Second-chance Inc.
bsb: 112 879 Account: 474817098
All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible so please remember to email us your name and address so that we can send you a receipt.